
The bimonthly magazine Renewable Matter is our in-depth tool, in English and Italian.

Each issue addresses a key topic of the circular economic transition, giving voice to experts, political leaders, innovators, designers and entrepreneurs. Soil, construction, circular fashion, food systems, services, bioeconomy, sharing economy, sustainable finance are some of the themes that you will find on the pages of Renewable Matter, available only via subscription in paper and digital format.

An essential intelligence tool, to be read calmly and carefully, a tool for businesses and research centers. Subscribers will find access to all issues published to date. 

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It is also possible to buy single print copies of the magazine, even back issues, from the list of published magazine, here below. Please remember you need to sign up to Renewable Matter's website. And don't forget to join our newsletter!

Issue #52


2024 Chemicals

Today, the world of chemistry is facing a sustainability and circularity revolution. From process decarbonisation and new chemical building blocks to nanotechnology, chemical recycling, biorefineries, chemical-as-a-service, and artificial intelligence, RM52 provides an in-depth analysis of a core sector of the industry, which is being called upon to play its part in the transition.

Issue #51


2024 Mountain

At COP28 in Dubai, the “mountain issue” was officially recognised for the first time. However, it’s not just the climate crisis that threatens the delicate balance of mountain areas: mass tourism, extractivism, and depopulation are all altering the nature of high-altitude regions across the globe. Developed in collaboration with the University of Gastronomic Sciences, issue 51 of Renewable Matter maps out this transformation, highlighting both challenges and resilience strategies.


Issue #50


2024 Energy

Tripling global renewable capacity by 2030, as agreed and endorsed by 196 nations at COP28 in Dubai: issue 50 of RM is focused upon this ambitious goal. An overview of the state of the energy transition, from old hydropower to new technologies for solar and wind, from ocean energy to cutting-edge research on nuclear fusion.


Issue #49


2024 Finance

ESG ratings, climate finance, biodiversity funds, venture capital, carbon market, cryptocurrencies, reform of financial institutions, green bonds, and insurance. Through the voices of experts from around the world, with investigations and insights, RM49 focuses on the strategies that will be needed to make good use of the economic resources needed for a just transition.

Issue #48


2024 AI & Tech

Predicting extreme events, planning the energy transition, managing infrastructure and cities, and accelerating climate and biodiversity research. There are countless challenges where artificial intelligence and digital systems can now assist us along the path to sustainability. RM #48 explores the revolutionary potential of these cutting-edge technologies, yet considering their impacts and the darker side of the coin.

Issue #47


2023 Trees

Humankind's relationship with trees and forests has always been controversial. While today our understanding of the importance of forests to the health of the planet has reached startling clarity, the extractive race driven by agribusiness and mining continues to devastate these precious habitats in every part of the world. In this issue of RM, a search for a balance that is possible and increasingly urgent has been undertaken.

Issue #46


2023 Extended Producer Responsibility

Based on the "polluter pays" principle, extended producer responsibility (EPR) is one of the pillars for the development of a real and effective circular economy. However, its application, while well proven in some sectors (packaging, lubricating oils, tires), is still lagging behind in most industrial branches. With RM46 we examined the topic in depth and on a global scale, with interviews with international experts, case studies and an exclusive reportage.

Issue #45


2023 Ocean

The ocean is still an undiscovered world, yet it accounts for 90% of the biosphere, covers 71% of the earth's surface, absorbs 50% of greenhouse gas emissions and provides more than 50% of the oxygen we breathe. It is also a source of sustenance and development for human civilisation, as long as its balance is not compromised. Issue 45 of Renewable Matter is a voyage into the complicated relationship between man and the sea, following the route of an increasingly sustainable blue economy.

Issue #44


2023 Europe

Nowadays, the European Union is based on a new vision of development, hinging on decarbonisation, circular economy, biodiversity protection and green cities. Issue 44 of Renewable Matter is entirely focused on the Europe of the Green Deal, which can become a global model and political inspiration. A monographic issue, produced in collaboration with the European Economic and Social Committee and previewed Brussels, on the occasion of the Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference.

Issue #43


2023 Critical Raw Materials

Critical raw materials are fuelling a new extractivist race. The demand for metals and minerals essential for the energy and digital transition will increase by 500% by 2050. RM43 - with interviews with experts and institutions from all over the world and a photo reportage by Stefano Stranges - offers a 360-degree overview of CRM, from the geopolitical and technological framework to the new frontiers of mining, from the illicit trade in e-waste to circular solutions to reduce mining reliance.

Issue #42


2022 Circular Services

The circular transition requires technologies and technical skills as well as soft skills of all kinds. New types of knowledge are needed, that correspond to professional figures offering services to help companies, governments, communities and individuals navigate the processes of change for the decarbonisation of the economy. Issue 42 is dedicated to them: researchers, educators, developers, communicators, storytellers, analysts, consultants and creatives. All at the service of the circular economy.

Issue #41


2022 Food Market

The retail sector wants to change. The environmental crisis and new political and macroeconomic scenarios are bringing new currents of thought to the shelves of the large-scale distribution sector, which is now facing the challenge of sustainability, efficiency, and circularity. Well-equipped with a shopping cart, in issue 41 of Renewable Matter we took a look at how the food market is changing and what the supermarkets of the future will ultimately be like.

Issue #40


2022 Water

Issue 40 of Renewable Matter is dedicated to the most precious of resources, the most important of 'materials'. Water is at the heart of any thought on sustainable development: a source of life, energy, and biodiversity, it is both a victim and weapon of climate change. This is why its sustainable, circular, and equitable management will be increasingly fundamental for the future of the Planet.

Issue #39


2022 Circular Fashion

Due to the double environmental and pandemic crisis, the fashion sector is experiencing a rapid transformation. From the attention to the use of more sustainable and circular materials to business and consumption models (rental, second hand) to the consumers tastes, every aspect of the fashion system is at stake. RM39 takes stock of the revolution underway.

Issue #38


2021 Circular building

With a carbon emission rate of 36% of the global total, construction is today the Achilles heel of decarbonisation. Although the sector has always been energy-intensive and with a high consumption of materials, it is now facing a revolution in the direction of sustainability and circularity. From the New European Bauhaus to the materials passport, MR38 searches for innovations, ideas and solutions for a new way of building.

Issue #37


2021 Food Systems

Rethinking food systems from an integrated perspective, tying together biological, geographic, social, economic phenomena, is now vital, both to heal distortions and inequities, and to prevent our way of producing food from destroying biodiversity and contributing to climate crisis. MR37 addresses the issue with a transdisciplinary approach, proposing scientific analyzes and cultural visions, from regenerative agriculture to circular supply chains.

Issue #36


2021 Circular Cities

Very few events such as the Covid-19 crisis have led to a rethinking of large urban structures, to understanding connections amongst health, resilience, sustainability and prosperity. The cities of the future will need to be more resilient and more circular. RM36 is a journey around the world - from the Netherlands to Colombia, from the United States to Italy, from Indian slums to European cities - to discover projects, visions and experiences that are applying this transition.

Issue #35


2021 Outdoor Issue

While the traditional textile system still has a huge environmental impact, the outdoor sector is at the forefront of embracing a circular path. This issue looks into the circular innovations of the sector with international case studies: from materials, such as recycled fabrics and bio-fibers, to new business models, such as clothing and equipment rental and repair.

Issue #34


2020 Biofuels Issue

Transport is a top priority for decarbonisation strategies. But the transition to electric transport is not enough: alternative fuels, especially biofuels and hydrogen, will play a key role in the next decade. Alexandru Floristean of Hydrogen Europe and Elisabetta Tola write about it, among others, in a dense number of inquiries and interviews on the future of the transport system.

Issue #33


2020 Food Issue

The food system needs a circular revolution to become more sustainable. In this issue, produced in collaboration with the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo, we interview international experts such as Tim Lang, Jocelyn Bleriòt and Carlo Petrini. Moreover, an in-depth study on the EU Farm to Fork strategy and surveys on packaging in the food sector.

Issue #32


2020 Sustainable Tourism

Is a new sustainable and circular tourism possible? In the hardest season for the sector, hit by the global health emergency, we asked international experts such as Kelly Bricker of the Global Sustainable Toourism Council and Karima Delli, president of the EU commission for tourism and transport. In-depth: transports decarbonisation, circular economy in hospitality, ecotourism in forests and mountain environment.

Issue #31


2020 Soil Issue

A special issue on Soil: regeneration, bioeconomy, sustainable agriculture and struggle for soil protection, among the topics covered. With interviews with Natalia Rodríguez Eugenio (FAO), David R. Montgomery (Washington University), Massimo Centemero (CIC).

Issue #29-30


2019 September-December

Dossier: rethinking the Chinese economy, with interviews with Hao Tan, a green mining investigation, and the circular revolution of the Chinese industry. From the world: Malaysian bioeconomy, Colombian plans for a green economy, Algeria's difficult path towards sustainability.

Issue #28


2019 July-August

Circularity19, the USA embraces the circular economy: interview with Tom Szaki, Loop, Kate Brandt, Google. Dossier: US Bioeconomy. The world of biopolymers and neoplastics.

Issue #27


2019 May-June

Circular Economy Stakeholder conference, getting organized for real, with talks by Cillian Lohan, Peter Schmidt, Alexandre Lemille, Sandrine Dixson-Decleve. Bioeconomy Dossier: Thailand.

Issue #26


2019 March-April

The right to repair, OpEd by Gay Gordon-Byrne. A story of ice by Fabiano Ventura, photographer. Exclusive: the end of life of ships. Dossier: the bioeconomy to produce energy. Amorim and the ethical cork.

Issue #25


2019 January-February

IPCC, on the climate we are still in time; the transformation of CO2 into materials. Jyrki Katainen and the reasons for sustainable development. Education: universities are ready to teach the circular economy. Bioeconomy Dossier: Greece.

Issue #I-2


2018 Packaging in Circular Economy

Issue #23-24


2018 September-October

Marx Reloaded: rethinking the circular economy from a social point of view, creating new jobs. Italy Dossier: interview with Sergio Costa, Italian Minister of the Environment, and Luca Meini ENEL; Mario Bonaccorso: the bioeconomy made in Italy.

Issue #22


2018 July-August

Report: Circular Economy for Food, with interviews with Danielle Nieremberg (Foodtank), Jaqueline Alder (Fao) Franco Fassio (UNISG) to rethink the food system; Glasgow, Maribor, Portland, Milan the circular cities have arrived, Bioeconomy Dossier: Ireland.

Issue #21


2018 May-June

Karl Polany explained by Alex Lemille; Martin Chater: rethinking circular design; exclusive: the EU Circular Economy Package told by Simona Bonafè and Janez Potočnik. Plastic, the new world problem.

Issue #20


2018 February-March

Europe’s circular dream told by Kęstutis Sadauskas; planned obsolescence, Leyla Acaroglu's disruptive design, Patagonia's repair philosophy; Bioeconomy Dossier: Brazil; the color of jeans, a photo reportage by Diana Bagnoli.

Issue #19


2018 December-January

The call of the forest, Emanuele Bompan interviews Marc Palahí. From Wall Street to Piazza Affari, does finance become sustainable? Crowdfunding, equity and new financial tools. The Fater case.

Issue #18


2017 September-October

Tim Jackson and the transition to another economy; Micheal Braungart, cities like forests; Tai Lee Siang the future of the real estate sector. Bicycles and the circular economy, inert waste and the of end-of-life of tires.

Issue #17


2017 July-August

Two broad focuses: one on the sea, on the need to protect it from plastics and other pollutants, but also on the potential of the marine economy; one on the construction sector, ready for the challenge of the circular transition. In addition, an interview with Kate Raworth, author of "The Donut Economy".

Issue #16


2017 May-June

A passport for materials: it is the revolutionary vision of the Dutch Thomas Rau and Sabine Oberhuber, told in an interview. One of the fathers of the circular economy, Walter R. Stahel, explains the importance of extending the life of goods. Also in the fashion sector, to which the focus of this issue is dedicated.

Issue #15


2017 March-April

The issue opens with a reflection on urban architecture, circularity and sustainability and an interview with Stefano Boeri, urban planner and creator of the concept of Forest City. Then a broad focus on how packaging materials contribute to the fight against food waste.

Issue #14


2017 January-February

Aerospace research can help the circular economy: explains in an exclusive interview Roberto Battiston, president of the Italian space agency. Besides, the circular transition in Vietnam, the Cop22 of Marrakech and storytelling for the environment.

Issue #13


2016 November-December

Donald Trump at the White House: a reflection on what will change for climate and environmental policies with the least green American president ever. And also, a focus on permanent materials (aluminum, glass, steel) and the development of green chemistry in Southern Italy.

Issue #12


2016 September-October

The debate on the circular economy package at the European Parliament and an exclusive interview with Ellen McArthur, a former world record sailor and president of the foundation that bears her name, dedicated to promoting the circular model.

Issue #11


2016 July-August

Is it really possible to achieve the "zero waste" goal? We asked Paul Connett, scientist and father of the Zero Waste Strategy. Besides, a look at the construction sector, the Canadian bioeconmia and circular developments in Africa.

Issue #10


2016 May-June

This issue opens with a theoretical reflection on the meaning, and the usefulness, of the concept of degrowth: in comparison the opinions of Kate Raworth and Giorgos Kallis. With a possible synthesis in the holistic vision of Carl Folke, transdisciplinary environmental scientist of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Issue #09


2016 March-April

Natural capitalism and the need for long-term sustainable development in the words of Amory Bloch Lovins, founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute, interviewed exclusively by Emanuele Bompan. Besides, an excursus on the circular possibilities of the wine sector.

Issue #08


2016 January-February

The post-Paris Cop21 issue starts from the role that new generations will play in the green transition of the global economy, as Gunter Pauli recounts. Victor Olgyay, architect and researcher of the Rocky Mountain Institute, talks about how to apply the principles of circularity to construction sector.

Issue #I-01


2015 Urban Mines of Aluminium

Aluminium “circular” performances are based on waste collection’s excellent figures. The supply chain finds its “mines” in the cities. An in-depth analysis of the material flows and their end use is accompanied by information on legal aspects and the role of aluminium in designing our material landscape.

Issue #06-07


2015 October-December

Where does the concept of waste come from and how should we change its boundaries today? In this issue, a broad reflection between theory and practice, starting from the interview with William McDonough, creator of the Cradle to Cradle standard.

Issue #5


2015 August

After the Milan Expo, some considerations on food waste and solutions to reduce it radically, through a circular approach. Besides, how art can repair nature: the extraordinary work of Daniel McCormick and Mary O'Brien.

Issue #4


2015 June

The future of the planet and the circular transition, in exclusive interviews with the great American environmentalist Lester Brown and the Indian economist Pavan Sukhdev. A reflection on natural capital signed by Gianfranco Bologna.

Issue #3


2015 April

Redefining the rules for market players: a focus on EPR, Extended Producer Responsibility. Insights on biomass and biofuels. The contributions by Karl Falkenberg of the European Commission and Vandana Shiva and the interview with the artist Michelangelo Pistoletto.

Issue #2


2015 January- February

Europe and the circular economy: a focus on community policies at a turning point for the green economy. With contributions by Kate Raworth, Johan Rockström, Robert Costanza.

Issue #1


2014 November-December

The first issue of Renewable Matter is a declaration of intent, with a broad overview of the bioeconomy and reflections by Christian Patermann of the European Commission, Gunter Pauli, Edo Ronchi, Catia Bastioli.