Giorgia Marino

Giorgia Marino – Managing editor of Materia Rinnovabile | Renewable Matter. She has been the editor-in-chief of and a contributor to various magazines, including the Italian edition of The Huffington Post and the national newspaper La Stampa. In recent years she realized some multimedia reportage projects financed by European journalistic grants, in particular in Haiti (sustainable reconstruction) and Nepal (climate change). She is among the authors of Prime. Dieci scienziate per l'ambiente ("First: ten female scientists for the environment", Codice Edizioni 2023).

Artificial Intelligence Revolutionises the Lab

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano Once upon a time, not so many years ago, there was the chemical research laboratory. Nothing scien...

Boland (EESC): the future labor market must overcome skills poverty

There are two megatrends that will affect (and already are affecting) the European labor market in the next decade: on one hand, the double transition, ecological and digital, requiring new and incr...

China, Third Plenum: Xi promises modernization by 2029, but glosses over domestic crisis

“Further deepening the broad effort on reforms and promoting Chinese-style modernization.” All by 2029, the year in which the People's Republic will celebrate its 80th anniversary. This ...

Dorsouma (AfDB): A Comprehensive Strategy to Unleash Africa's Circular Economy Potential

Africa has great potential. This is often heard in a variety of contexts, and this is particularly evident when considering the circular economy. A vibrant landscape of small businesses, many of whi...

ITER: In Search of the Holy Grail of Energy

This morning, July 1, the Italian Minister of the Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto Fratin participated in the ceremony for the completion of the superconducting magnets of ITER, the...

Wang Yao: This is How China Finances Biodiversity

China is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. Its 960 million hectares of land include mountain ranges (such as the Himalayas) and plateaus, vast deserts and immense grasslands, boreal...

From Europe to the Global South, circular cooperation comes through Brussels

(Brussels)  Cooperation, connections, social justice, sustainable futures: in a world increasingly at war, the circular economy stands today as a tool for peace and equitable development. This ...

Climate doesn't need nuclear power: new EEB report says so

Everyone's crazy about nuclear power, but the climate doesn't need it. So says a new report by the European Environmental Bureau, unsurprisingly released on March 21, the same day world leaders...

China: the year of the Dragon is the year of new productive forces

Now that the New Year festivities are over, all attention in China has shifted to the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, where from March 4 to 11 the so-called Two Sessions (Liang Hui), the P...

Is e-commerce really more sustainable than stores?

Useful? Yes. Convenient? Maybe too much so. But as sustainability goes, e-commerce has never had a good reputation. Now, however, research wants to overturn the environmental bad reputation of ...

EU: 90% emissions cut by 2040, with the help of nuclear power but without that of agriculture

Net greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union are to be reduced by 90 percent by 2040 (compared to 1990 levels). This is the new climate target announced today, Feb. 6, by the EU Commission. I...

Acque Bresciane: 1,500 Trees to Protect Peatland Biodiversity

On the 7th of October, an unusual scene played out on a marshland reserve in Northern Italy, on the banks of Lake Iseo in the foothills of the Alps. A team from Acque Bresciane – the util...

Circularity Gap Report 2024, a roadmap to lead the world towards the circular economy

Everyone is talking about it, but few actually practice it: while the circular economy is now a megatrend (considering the number of articles, reports and debates on the topic increased threefold in...

Calculating and Powers: Interview with Kate Crawford

Neither artificial nor particularly intelligent. That's AI according to Kate Crawford. An eclectic researcher who divides her time between Annenberg University of California, Sydney University,...

Ten words for 2024

Another year has come to an end. There are those who reflect on these past twelve months while others prefer to look to the year ahead. We of Renewable Matter, who by nature are always looking ...

Growing Responsible in Toyland

In the pink year of Barbie, talk of the environmental impact of toys is back on the table. Alongside the diatribes about the glossy feminist message of Greta Gerwig's film, the sales figures of the ...

COP28, the time of truth for the oil and gas industry

"I ask you to adopt a different way of thinking and be flexible." "We need to find a common ground" and take "a path that is wide enough for everyone," "an unconventional path." "What is needed now ...

Automotive, Stellantis focuses on circular economy with a new hub in Turin

The Stellantis Group has decided to focus on circularity. They announced it a year ago, and the official ribbon-cutting day came on November 23. The first hub in Europe dedicated to the automotive c...

Building a Wood Construction Culture in Italy with ARCA

Health, energy efficiency, sustainability, beauty. The advantages of wood construction are well known, and, with the development of new building technologies and constant materials research, they ar...

Man and Forests: It's All a Matter of Timescale

Time, complexity, resilience. These are the three key concepts on which the health and survival of any forest ecosystem is based. Three interrelated characteristics in a tight cause-and-effect chain...