Roberto Giovannini

Roberto Giovannini, journalist, writes about economy, society, energy, environment, green economy and technology.

CSRD and small business, somewhere between fears and a desire to grow

The countdown has begun: even small and medium-sized businesses will have to apply sustainability reporting, just as large companies have already been doing for some time. They are going to have to ...

Althesys: "With a bolder NECP Italians would save 25 billion in bills"

We already knew it: the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), is far from ambitious. Rather, it is ambiguous on many points, since it refers to " technological neutrality" regarding energy source...

Sometimes We Are the Villains

However, as illustrated by the recent research conducted at UCLA and published in Futures – “Existential risk due to ecosystem collapse: Nature strikes back” – in the majorit...

If Nature is Poised Between Enigma and Dream

Body and Soul, by Hungarian director Ildikò Enyedi, has already won the Golden Bear at the last Berlin Festival. The plot is simple and almost trivial: Mária and Endre work in the same...

When the States Invade Canada

The comic strip is We Stand Guard, written by Brian K. Vaughan and drawn by Steve Skroce. To “stand on guard” are Canada’s citizens, who must keep a close watch on the decidedly ag...

An Eco-Dark 2049

Dick’s genius is now, more than ever, alive and real in the mind of millions of people. The world we saw on the big screen, the one where Rick Deckard, played by an unforgettable Harrison Ford...

A Compass against Misinformation

Climalteranti carries through valuable work since the battle to curb global warming is far from over, quite the opposite. It is essential to do our utmost to guarantee a “limited” or &ld...

The Superpig's Lesson

The story line revolves around Okja, the name given to a species of genetically-engineered superpig, created in the labs of a company (fictitious, but only up to a point, since it is clearly a parod...

What is the Real Cost of Palm Oil Production?

It is used for everything and it is found everywhere: detergents, cosmetics, soaps, biscuits, snacks, ready-made meals, Nutella, ice creams. We are talking about palm oil, one of the world’s m...

Environmental Disasters Broadcasted in Prime Time

Nowadays TV news and newspapers tell us stories of floods, drought, tornadoes and flash floods, but it’s highly likely that in the future these dramatic events will be even more frequent, dama...

How to Eradicate the Trash Islands

Not all plastics are indestructible. In fact, over the years, due to the constant inaction by the Countries, plastics are liable to end up not only at sea – thus making up the above-mentioned ...

27 Million Messages

But actually, considering that we are talking about a heap of aluminium cans patiently collected one after the other since 2007 on board Costa Crociere cruise ships, these are impressive numbers: a ...

Flowers from Africa

We Europeans often think we are at the forefront with regard to environmental protection. We can show the world how to look after nature and how to reduce waste. More importantly, we can teach the b...

A Window into Tomorrow

This time we talk about Demain (Tomorrow), a film by Mélanie Laurent and Cyril Dion: she is one Quentin Tarantino’s actresses, while he is an environmental activist, spokesman and co-fo...

Vandana Shiva: 'No Land Just for Biofuels'

  There is no such thing as a “good” biofuel deriving from a crop cultivated for energy. According to Vandana Shiva, a physicist and founder of the Navdanya (nine crops) Movement...

Micro and Macro

Let us start with Mother!, the new film from visionary director Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan, Noah) with Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Michelle Pfeiffer and Ed Harris. Undoubtedly, an imperfect ...

70% Recycling Can Be Achieved. Not Enough? I Would Be More than Happy

  Talking about separate collection while strolling early in the morning along Trastevere lanes with Daniele Fortini (born in Orbetello in 1955), CEO of AMA (Azienda Municipale Ambiente, Mun...