artificial intelligence

The innovations set to reshape life in 2025

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano Whoever thinks research is not exciting might be in for a surprise. In 2025, we could witness gene...

Ethics for a clean, good and fair digital environment: Sloweb

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano Much of what we read in the digital media concerns Artificial Intelligence, the relationship betwe...

Artificial Intelligence Revolutionises the Lab

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano Once upon a time, not so many years ago, there was the chemical research laboratory. Nothing scien...

Apple and iPhone 16: artificial intelligence or sustainability?

The moment Apple brand aficionados were expecting has finally arrived. The new iPhone 16 was unveiled on Monday 9 September at the American technology giant's headquarters in Cupertino, California. ...

Startup, Urban Machine: robotics and AI for recovering waste wood

Urban Machine is a start-up leading the way in sustainable wood recovery. The US-based company uses artificial intelligence and robotics to remove metal fasteners from waste wood generated by constr...

Boland (EESC): the future labor market must overcome skills poverty

There are two megatrends that will affect (and already are affecting) the European labor market in the next decade: on one hand, the double transition, ecological and digital, requiring new and incr...

Cities Advancing the Circular Economy through Pre-Commercial Procurement, AI & Digital Solutions

The transition to a circular economy is not just a lofty environmental goal; it is a critical imperative for cities worldwide. Urban areas are the engines of global economic growth, responsible...

Digital Twins for Water Resource Management

The need to manage vast quantities of data, simultaneously improving operational and invested capital efficiency, is increasingly driving integrated water service managers to use advanced digital in...

Rethinking Tourism Carbon Credits with the Help of AI

The carbon market sector is still, to this day, not sufficiently transparent. To offset one's carbon emissions, which are still roughly calculated, people buy credits whose real environmental impact...

Satellites Watch Over Us from Above

On November 3, 2023, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Karnali province in western Nepal. Immediately after receiving the news, the Nepalese Ministry of Home Affairs asked Sentinel Asia to send...

Calculating and Powers: Interview with Kate Crawford

Neither artificial nor particularly intelligent. That's AI according to Kate Crawford. An eclectic researcher who divides her time between Annenberg University of California, Sydney University,...

Two Intelligences

“We are seeing growing evidence that artificial intelligence can prove to be an invaluable tool in the fight against climate change. We need to harness its potential and empower innovator...

Ten words for 2024

Another year has come to an end. There are those who reflect on these past twelve months while others prefer to look to the year ahead. We of Renewable Matter, who by nature are always looking ...